Gayle Shisler, M.S. · Doylestown, PA · 215-489-0225 ·







I speak on a variety of topics to help people move forward with large and small goals. I can either offer these topics as a full seminar or as an abbreviated talk for your meeting or event.

You may schedule a seminar or presentation at your facility by e-mailing me at or calling 215-489-0225 for more information.

Here is a schedule of my upcoming events — please note their dates carefully — they are posted as they become available:

Please let me know if you’re interested in having any of the following seminars scheduled at a venue near you:

DO WHAT YOU LOVE & THE MONEY WILL FOLLOW: Redefine your career for more fulfillment! Want to change careers or start your own business? This workshop helps you plan & implement the steps needed to make it happen: establish a clear vision, develop a positive attitude and stay focused on reaching your goal on the timetable you set.

THE POSITIVE SIDE OF DIVORCE: Using your divorce as a springboard to create a happier new life. Designed for separated or newly divorced men and women (or those considering separation), this workshop makes the postdivorce transition easier by focusing on the lessons and growth that came from the marriage so a fresh start to a more fulfilling life as a single person is possible.

FINDING TIME FOR FUN: Balance your life and enjoy it more. For those whose lives seem too busy for fun, this workshop is an opportunity for a “big picture” life assessment and restructuring to free up more time for recreation.

GET FIT FAST: Setting achievable goals for eating and exercise. Men and women of all ages who want to lose weight and improve their fitness level will benefit from this no-nonsense, systematic approach to setting realistic goals that yield results.

THE UPSIDE OF ANGER: Using it as a tool for growth and positive change. Anger is nothing more than a red flag that something is wrong and needs changing. This workshop shows how to express it constructively without a lot of drama and to move from it to a place of new, healthier possibilities.

LET’S BE HONEST: Find fulfillment by telling the truth to yourself and others. We create so many problems for ourselves when we can’t tell the truth to partners, bosses, coworkers, children, and others in our lives. This workshop will provide some suggestions and exercises that will make open, direct truth-telling a lot easier and life a lot less stressful.